LoneStar Bariatrics

Read My Story – Brittany

Gastric Bypass

My Weight Loss Journey

Weight Loss in 3 Months 55 lbs
Weight Loss in 1 Year 111 lbs
TOTAL LOST 126 lbs

My Story

Over the years I had multiple gym membership, went on crash diets, weight loss medications with no success.

I initially went to see a different Bariatric Surgeon, I didn’t feel supported and felt like I was being “sold” procedures. I went to Lonestar Bariatrics seeking a second option and a “better fit”. Dr. C and his staff were exactly what I was looking for. They truly care about YOU and your goals – I felt acknowledged, valued and validated.

I’ve learned so much along my journey, but one of the most important discoveries was recognizing that I wanted a lifestyle change because I actually love my body and I’m grateful for my body. My body has always been capable of amazing things, and I wanted to prioritize, nourish and take care of it.

Before weight loss surgery I was always fatigued, uncomfortable and my body ached. I had no self-confidence, I hid behind my kids in pictures and I stopped going to family gathering because I was too self-conscious.

Dr Carlton and his staff helped me feel comfortable, prepared and excited for my surgery. They answered all of my questions and addressed my concerns – I felt 100% supported. After surgery I was on an emotional and physical roller coaster. Dr. Carlton and team were so attentive and took extra time to help me work through my anxiety.

Since my surgery, I’ve found confidence like I have never had before. Not just visually but physically in what I’m capable of.  9 months after surgery I went on vacation and hiked to the peak of a mountain! Over the week I was able to trust my body to hike over 20 miles, bike 35 miles and up and down thousands of feet of elevation. I danced IN PUBLIC and was able to find a new hobby in shuffling. I can
run with my kids and not get winded; I have this amazing sense that I can do anything I set my mind to without the worry of my body weight holding me back anymore.

I am so grateful for Dr. Carlton and his staff for GIVING ME MY LIFE BACK!

Thank you from Dr. Carlton and LoneStar Bariatric Team!