Help for Your Sleep Apnea

Help for Your Sleep Apnea

Daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and irritability are all common symptoms of sleep apnea. They are, however, only the tip of the iceberg.

Unfortunately, sleep apnea increases your risk of serious health complications such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and even premature death. This is because sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing, depriving your body of oxygen. If you don’t do anything about it, this puts more stress on your system, including your heart and metabolism.

Sleep apnea can affect anyone, but it is most common in overweight or obese people. In fact, 20% of people who are overweight have sleep apnea. Now for the exciting news. Even if you only lose 10% of your body weight, your symptoms will get much better, and Dr. Chad Carlton can assist you.

Dr. Carlton has spent over a decade assisting people in achieving their weight loss objectives and improving their overall health. At LoneStar Bariatrics in Plano, Texas, we have nonsurgical and surgical solutions that can help if you have sleep apnea. Here’s what you should know.

Your Body Mass Index and Helping Your Sleep Apnea

There are various types of sleep apnea, but the most common occurs when the upper airway narrows or becomes blocked while you sleep. When you fall asleep with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), soft tissue blocks your airway. This makes it hard for your body to get enough air.

While it is possible to have OSA while being healthy, it is far less common, and 60-90% of adults with this condition are overweight or obese. This is due to the fact that carrying extra pounds causes fat deposits in the neck, which increases the tissue in the back of your throat, which can block your airway.

Excess weight expands the size of your abdomen. This may appear unrelated to breathing, but excess fat can compress your chest wall, reducing lung capacity. As your lung capacity declines, your upper airway is more likely to collapse while you sleep.

Because of the close relationship, your chances of developing OSA rise dramatically as your BMI rises. Based on your weight and height, this measurement, also known as BMI, calculates your body fat. In addition, even a 10% weight gain can increase your risk of OSA by sixfold.

Sleep apnea, on the other hand, can cause weight gain. As a result, you may become trapped in a vicious cycle that saps your energy, jeopardizes your health, and makes it more difficult to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. However, this does not imply that there are no solutions.

Getting Sleep Apnea Treatment

We’ve seen firsthand how trying to lose weight can leave you feeling helpless. However, you are not alone, we are here to help and offer effective weight-loss solutions. Even if you haven’t had previous success, we can work with you to develop a personalized plan that will help you achieve your goals once and for all.

To get you started on the right track, we will discuss weight loss goals, previous weight loss methods, and your overall health. Based on that information, we will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Your program could include the following elements, depending on your specific requirements:

Nutritional advice
Medical weight loss
Non-surgical treatment – gastric balloon
Surgical treatment – Gastric sleeve, gastric bypass or duodenal switch

You CAN lose the weight you need to relieve your OSA symptoms, restore quality sleep, and improve your overall health with our assistance.
Do you suffer from OSA? Let us help your sleep apnea and find the best weight loss solution to keep the weight off for good. Call us today or book an appointment online.

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