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*Actual Successful & Satisfied LoneStar Patient

Patient Stories


Duodenal Switch

Lost 110 lbs.

I found Dr. Carlton on Google. I had a Duodenal switch 8 months ago – I’ve lost 65lbs in the first 3 months, 93lbs in the first 6 months. I’m not at a year yet, but already down 110lbs. Can’t wait to see where I am at 1 year!

It’s been amazing. I no longer have back pain, hip pain, or knee pain. I can walk distances again. Previously, I couldn’t walk more than 10-15 feet without having to sit. I was using an electric wheelchair to get around if there was any walking involved. I was miserable and depressed because I felt like a burden to those around me, always having to wait on me, or not do things because I couldn’t and they didn’t want to leave me out. Now, I can do all the things I couldn’t before. Walking has been HUGE! I can walk, bike, go to theme parks, and am so much happier and vibrant than I ever thought possible.

Just this past weekend we went to Orlando and I walked over 20 miles in 4 days. I haven’t been able to do that in over 10 years! I was able to ride roller coasters because I now FIT in the seats! I was so sad on our honeymoon in 2021 because I couldn’t ride any of the fun things I wanted to, but couldn’t due to my weight. That is now behind me! And, I’m not physically out of breath with just a little activity, which is a huge change from before

The Lonestar Bariatrics is amazing. They are helpful, kind, patient, and SUPPORTIVE! The little pick-me-ups and supportive comments and assistance went a long way to helping my mental health and easing my fears of the surgery. Dr. Carlton is the BEST and I’ve recommended him to anyone else considering this path. Seeing how proud he is of me and my progress at every visit keeps my morale up. He didn’t have to care as much as he does, none of them did, but the fact they do is what helped me on this path and solidified this was the right doctor for my journey.


Gastric Bypass

Over 122 lbs lost!

Dr. Carlton did my gastric bypass. I started out at 280 lbs… I’m now 158lbs and I just ran my first 5k, 10k/Half Marathon. Thank you for this tool to have a new chance at life!! I’m happier and healthier than I ever could have imagined.

I follow my plan, of course we all fall at times but I get back up and keep going. I work out 3 days a week but I’m active every day regardless! This has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m stronger mentally, physically and emotionally! I owe my new life to Dr. Carlton. I recommend him to everyone I know that wants to change their lifestyle! Being healthy has become an addiction I never thought I needed.


Gastric Bypass

Over 216 lbs lost!

I heard about Lonestar Bariatrics at a social event from a friend who just had surgery by Dr. Carlton. At the time I felt terrible, unenergetic and depressed. I was experiencing back pain and trouble walking. I decided to call and make appointment with Dr. Carlton. The team was very inviting, answered all my questions and always available. I was a little nervous about having surgery, concerned about cardiac issues with my high blood pressure. Surgery went well and the recovery was pretty simple. After 3 months I was down 130lbs. I feel so much better and have a positive outlook. I am now able to walk easier, exercise and I get better sleep. My blood pressure is improved and I no longer have to wear CPAP when sleeping. If you are thinking about having surgery, be sure to follow all pre and post op instructions. Being successful is achievable just takes a lot of mental strength.


Gastric Sleeve

Over 90 lbs lost!

I googled the best Bariatric doctors and found Lonestar Bariatrics. Dr. Carlton was very real with me on what a procedure like this would do for my life. He and his staff are outstanding at their work. I was always made to feel important in the process then and now.

One of the biggest changes in my life was me taking control of my health. I was overweight and unhealthy and it showed. I was no longer comfortable in my body. Having the gastric sleeve surgery has given me so much freedom and a return back to the person I was before my weight gain. I feel fabulous at 40 and it shows!

It was hard and I wanted to give up but I look back on old photos and told myself I would never go back to what I was before and stayed the course. Today as I’m writing this, I have lost a TOTAL of 90lbs and I feel a 100% better mentally and physically.


Gastric Sleeve

Over 138 lbs lost!

I was born with medical conditions that make it hard to lose weight and I did a crappy job preventing weight gain.

After surgery, I was able to get pregnant, have a baby and my symptoms have improved greatly. I can now ride the rides at six flags, buckle my seat belt in an airplane without the extension. Dr Carlton is the best!! He makes me feel like I’m truly part of the Lonestar family every single time. I love that he’s a straight shooter and how he made me feel comfortable. The staff is great – especially Candy at the front desk, she remembers me every time! I love going to the office for my visits.


Duodenal Switch

Over 135 lbs lost!

My friend referred me to Lonestar Bariatrics. This surgery has helped me not only physically, but mentally. I am no longer on any blood pressure meds, thyroid meds, depression meds, nor do I have sleep apnea anymore. I have more energy now than ever before. I feel like a new woman, literally!

Dr. C and his staff are absolutely fantastic! I couldn’t have picked a better or more knowledgeable team. I’m forever grateful to them ALL! I’d recommend you guys 1000x over! Honestly, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you Dr. Carlton, Allison, and the whole team for giving me my life back! Without you guys this wouldn’t have been possible.


Duodenal Switch

Over 210 lbs lost!

Before surgery, I had anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, PCOS, and stage 3 congestive heart failure. My body was literally giving out. I didn’t like leaving my house because I felt like everyone was staring at me. I am a completely different person now, physically and mentally! I have lots of energy, very social and outgoing, and playing sports again. My health has dramatically improved. My heart was able to relax and has repaired itself. I cannot thank Dr. Carlton and his team enough for giving me my life back and for giving my children their mom back. Now after surgery, I can walk into any store and buy clothes. I can run and be active. I can fit into any seat or booth (I only have to buy one seat on the airplane). I can ride water slides and rollercoasters. I don’t have to check for weight limits on chairs or activities. Dr. Carlton saved my life. He is a brilliant surgeon. I had minimal pain and scarring. His office staff is very responsive. They all want you to succeed. I am eternally grateful to Dr. Carlton. He gave me my life back!


Duodenal Switch

Over 75 lbs lost!

I was at work conference in New Orleans in May of 2022. I struggled walking around the city and keeping pace with the events. My knees, joints and back hurt. I scheduled my initial consultation for the very next week with Dr. Carlton. I am no longer pre-diabetic nor have sleep apnea. My blood pressure is optimal. I went from a size 22 to 12 and have lost 15 inches in my waist. I haven’t experienced any asthma symptoms.

After Surgery, My mobility, stamina and physical ability have significantly improved. I rediscovered a love for yoga and pilates, and participate in weekly HIIT workouts and strength training. Lonestar Bariatrics has the Best staff ever! Everyone put me at ease and made the process so easy to navigate. I was fully supported at every step and due to Dr. C’s expertise, I did not have one complication. Plus he’s so fun!


Gastric Bypass

Over 129 lbs lost!

Before surgery, I was vomiting daily and could not use weight. I felt awful, gross and worthless. I found Lonestar Bariatrics on Google and decided to schedule an appointment. After my initial consultation, I didn’t believe I’d have the success/ results they told me I could have but I decided to take a chance and started the process. 18 months after surgery, I’ve lost 130lb , have improved blood pressure, decreased anxiety, can cross my legs and don’t need to use an extender when flying. I spent 14 years losing and gaining huge amounts of weight starting when I was 37 years old I wish I’d done this surgery sooner. Dr Carlton and his staff are SO genuine, you feel like part of a big family.


Gastric Sleeve

Over 62 lbs lost!

I was always a person that took care of their health and was skinny. After 3 pregnancies and moving countries I changed my eating habits and I started gaining weight, especially after the pandemic. I never thought that bariatric surgery was for me, until I realized that I couldn’t lose weight with all the traditional methods. With the extra weight I also started having a lot of negative thoughts about myself and my image. I knew I had to make a decision to change. My friend, who had gotten a gastric sleeve, referred me to Dr. Chad Carlton. With only one appointment I knew that he was the one, I did not go to any other doctor. My pre-op experience was easy and simple. And my post-op experience was incredible, no pain whatsoever. I wandered to myself if they had really operated on me. The first few days I felt very low energy, but other than that I felt great. The first three months I lost half of the weight I needed to lose, always following Dr. C’s instructions. Changing to a healthy lifestyle positively altered my physical and mental health. All I want to say to anyone reading this is to not doubt it, the only thing you’re losing is weight.


Gastric Bypass

Over 85 lbs lost!

I Googled the best Bariatric Surgeon and found Dr Carlton. I was at a stagnant point with my weight and exercise was no longer working. My health was failing, and I was tired of taking at least 15 different meds a day. Before surgery I felt tired, drained, on lots of medication, unable to move around like I wanted to. My preop experience was educational, supportive and a smooth process.

After surgery, I was up and walking around a few hours later – I felt like I hadn’t had surgery. I now wear a small – medium. I can cross my legs and be more active with my family. I went from 15 medications to 1 medication. My confidence has increased – I am healthy and doing well. Dr. Carlton and his team were professional throughout the process and are still available to support my journey of health.


Gastric Sleeve

Over 167 lbs lost!

I had been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, had sleep apnea, and was just generally not happy with how much I weighed, so I started Googling and found Dr. Carlton! Before surgery, I was always out of breath and felt like I would never lose the weight.

I had a great pre-op experience. Everyone was very professional, courteous, and knowledgeable. I didn’t really have any concerns and when my surgery rolled around, I was super excited!

I loved seeing the weight just fall off after surgery. Now, I can cross my legs in a car and on a plane, fly with no seatbelt extender, zipline, and skydive. I am physically more fit than I have ever been in my entire life; I workout 7 days a week. I am felling much more positive about life in general with my newfound healthy lifestyle; like I can conquer anything.

I love Dr. Carlton and his staff so much! They changed my entire life! I am forever indebted to them! I’m so glad I did the surgery, without delay! Best decision ever! Don’t let other people talk you out of what you know you need to do for your own health. That’s very important.


Gastric Sleeve

Over 144 lbs lost!

I was diabetic, had high blood pressure and MS flares constantly. I was the least healthy of my adult life. A girl’s trip where I couldn’t keep up with my friends due to my weight was the final straw. At that point, I Googled weight loss surgeons in my town and Doc C was the first option.

Before I had surgery, I was depressed, tired, angry, and disappointed. Being a retired RN, my pre-op expectations and standards were very high. Doc C exceeded my expectations. His staff is great and so supportive. My pre-op concerns were my health and baggy skin, but overall I was excited once surgery day rolled around. Post-op, recovery was very easy and the states were manageable.

A year post surgery, I’m down 140 lbs, and I can walk, hike, jog, enjoy theme parks, and wear new clothes – I like myself in the mirror. I’m no longer diabetic nor do I have high blood pressure. My mental health has improved considerably in relation to negative self talk. I’m happy with who I am. Doc C is a consummate professional. His staff are supportive and helpful. This surgery has changed my life!

Hannah N.

Gastric Sleeve

Over 90 lbs lost!

I was actually scheduled to have surgery with Dr. Carlton when he was with his old surgery group he was at. When I heard he was leaving to start his own practice, I followed him because I loved his bedside manner, and his approach to a healthier lifestyle. He never made me feel ashamed, but made me feel excited for a fresh start at life! I was actually one of the first patients he had at Lone Star Bariatrics. I had my pre-op visit in the office before it was officially open! Before surgery, I was very depressed, hated the way I looked, but couldn’t help but eat my feelings away. I had no motivation, I didn’t exercise, and overall I was just miserable. Because of Dr. Carlton and my sleeve surgery, I now have a completely different outlook on life! Shortly after my surgery, I found and married the love of my life. He loved me at my highest weight, and continues to love me at my skinniest weight. I also became healthy enough to become a mother and have a healthy pregnancy/delivery!

I now have the energy to chase my VERY active 2-year-old around without getting out of breath or having to stop every 5 minutes to take a breather. I have lost 100 lbs since my surgery, and it is quite literally a weight lifted off of my shoulders! My mental health has improved WONDERS. I am a much happier mom, wife, friend, employee because I now have confidence and self-esteem that I didn’t have prior to surgery. I can’t thank Dr. Carlton enough for changing my life for the better, and for giving me an amazing experience from start to finish!


Gastric Sleeve

Over 123 lbs lost!

I was referred a couple of years ago from a girl I met online that worked for Dr. Carlton. I’d been thinking about weight loss surgery for a few years before I actually did. I just finally got tired of not being able to walk & get around. I was tired and in alot of pain. I felt hopeless and mad at myself for letting my weight get so far gone. I was pre diabetic, high cholesterol, vitamin deficiency, & fatty liver.

Now after surgery, All my labs are great. I feel like a normal person now. I feel like I’m good enough now. I feel attractive again I can cross my legs. Walk around Walmart. Bend over & touch my toes. Play with my kid. Run if I want. Fit in an airplane seat. See my legs when I’m driving. I see my feet when I look down now instead of my stomach

I absolutely love Dr Carlton. He makes you feel amazing. He doesn’t see you as a patient. Dr Carlton saved my life! I never thought I would feel so good again. I’m not at my goal weight & I might not get there but I’m extremely happy with my results & my life today! It’s all because of Dr Carlton and his team.. I didn’t do this surgery to get skinny. I did this surgery to have a better life & I do. I would highly recommend him to anyone!


Gastric Sleeve

Over 179 lbs lost!

My experience was 5 star from beginning to end! All staff members including Dr.Carlton went above and beyond to make me feel at ease and stood by me each step of the way. Losing 179 pounds has been life changing and the sleeve gave me the push I needed to do that.

I am No longer existing I am living!


Gastric Bypass

Over 200 lbs lost!

Prior to the bariatric surgery, I was on 3 separate blood pressure medications, had pre-diabetes that required two separate medications to manage, and generally was in poor health. Basic daily activities were always a challenge and my energy level was low.

Since surgery, I no longer require any of the medications I took prior to surgery and I have more energy than I know what to do with. I’m reminded daily in almost everything I do how everyday life has been made better by the decision to have a gastric bypass. For example, I’m able to buy clothes off the rack without having to go to the “fat guy store”, I fit in airplane seats and restaurant booths with great comfort, and physical activity is no longer something I avoid.

At 8 months, I’ve lost a total of 188 lbs. My weight has been a nice way to measure progress, but there is no direct measure for how wonderful I “feel”. Dr. Carlton is simply amazing, but his extended team is equally wonderful. His expertise is evident in every aspect of the surgery and his confidence is reassuring, but his staff contributes greatly to the total experience. From the surgery coordinator to the dietician to the office staff, everyone I’ve worked with has been spectacular and world class. They are efficient in their operations, eager to respond to any questions you have (before or after surgery) and are truly vested in your success. It is refreshing to workl with such a professional team of experts.


Gastric Sleeve

Over 70 lbs lost!

My co-worker/friend got her sleeve done by Dr. C and recommended him to me.

Since surgery, I have a lot more energy, my back doesn’t hurt, my knee pain has improved greatly, my blood pressure has improved and no longer taking medication. I don’t have that brain fog I used to have and my overall mental wellness has improved exponentially. I have more confidence and my self esteem has increased.

I flew on a plane in early December and fit in the chair comfortably. I didn’t have to ask for a seatbelt extension and there was actually a 4-5” slack! I can bend over easier to put my shoes on and take off. I can sit on the floor without worrying how I’m going to get up again. I no longer have to pull myself out of the bathtub using the half wall at the front of my tub. I can now just get up and out of the tub and that’s amazing!

Dr. Carlton and his staff are incredible people. They listened to everything I had to say and came up with the best plan for me to be successful. Dr. C genuinely cares about his patients and that shows through with every visit I have made. He is thorough before surgery to ensure the best outcome of surgery. I strongly recommend Lonestar Bariatrics to anyone considering the path to weight loss.


Duodenal Switch

Over 166 lbs lost!

I had tried diets and pills, and working out, I tried everything!!! Thankfully, a friend told me about Dr. Carlton, so I reached out. Before surgery, I felt tired and worn down all the time. My back hurt and my knees hurt! My blood pressure was extremely bad and my cholesterol was high.

My pre-op experience with Dr. Carlton and his staff was absolutely nothing short of amazing. Everyone was awesome and the communication was great. Dr. C treated me with hands down the best bedside manner and made me feel like I was taken care of.

My pre-op concerns were the complications and “what if’s”. On surgery day, I was anxious but relieved to finally get to the big day. I had to wait 6 months due to insurance. During post-op, I had pain that lasted a short period. I walked a lot to help, and the staff was very helpful. Dr. C was very informative about recovering and what was to come.

Now, I can run faster than my 8-year-old son, I work harder, and don’t get fatigued like I used to. I do not snore anymore. I feel so much better. I no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol and I don’t have to use a sleep apnea machine anymore. I love myself and feel like it’s been a mental war the last year, but ultimately it has made me a stronger person and I’ve learned a lot about myself and seen who I am deep down.

I can’t say enough about Dr. Carlton and his staff. Honestly, they’re the best. The only thing I would say negative is I wish I would have found LoneStar Bariatrics sooner. This has SAVED MY LIFE. It has given me the opportunity to live a healthy life and see my kids and grandchildren grow up and not have to worry about dying of obesity, which runs in my family.


Gastric Bypass

Over 126 lbs lost!

Over the years I had multiple gym membership, went on crash diets, weight loss medications with no success. I initially went to see a different Bariatric Surgeon, I didn’t feel supported and felt like I was being “sold” procedures. I went to Lonestar Bariatrics seeking a second option and a “better fit”. Dr. C and his staff were exactly what I was looking for. They truly care about YOU and your goals – I felt acknowledged, valued and validated.

I’ve learned so much along my journey, but one of the most important discoveries was recognizing that I wanted a lifestyle change because I actually love my body and I’m grateful for my body. My body has always been capable of amazing things, and I wanted to prioritize, nourish and take care of it. Before weight loss surgery I was always fatigued, uncomfortable and my body ached. I had no self-confidence, I hid behind my kids in pictures and I stopped going to family gathering because I was too self-conscious.

Dr Carlton and his staff helped me feel comfortable, prepared and excited for my surgery. They answered all of my questions and addressed my concerns – I felt 100% supported. After surgery I was on an emotional and physical roller coaster. Dr. Carlton and team were so attentive and took extra time to help me work through my anxiety.

Since my surgery, I’ve found confidence like I have never had before. Not just visually but physically in what I’m capable of. 9 months after surgery I went on vacation and hiked to the peak of a mountain! Over the week I was able to trust my body to hike over 20 miles, bike 35 miles and up and down thousands of feet of elevation. I danced IN PUBLIC and was able to find a new hobby in shuffling. I can run with my kids and not get winded; I have this amazing sense that I can do anything I set my mind to without the worry of my body weight holding me back anymore.

I am so grateful for Dr. Carlton and his staff for GIVING ME MY LIFE BACK!
Thank you from Dr. Carlton and LoneStar Bariatric Team!


Gastric Bypass

Over 100 lbs lost!

I was so tired of not enjoying life. I was tired all the time and miserable with the way I looked. It was taking a toll not only on my physical health but my mental health as well. Once I decided to get surgery, I was referred to Dr. Carlton by my best friend who was one of his past patients.

Before surgery, I was nervous but so excited for the opportunity to change my life. Dr. C and his entire staff were so friendly and positive about the whole process. My biggest concern was if I would really be able to be successful at this. When surgery day rolled around, I was more excited than nervous. I knew I would be asleep for the hard part!

Post-op I had some pain, which was to be expected but it was quickly managed by the nursing staff. At 3 months I had lost 44 lbs, at 6 months I was down 61 lbs, at a year out I was down 85 lbs. They say you stop really losing well after a year, but I am now down over 100 lbs!! I am able to do anything I want! I even climbed an inflatable rock wall while playing with my niece and nephew! I am so much happier than I have ever been! I work out at least 3x a week and that boosts my endorphins even more!!

Dr. C is amazing and so uplifting. I was never talked down to or felt judged by him or his staff, which was amazing in itself. He was always so positive about my progress and that helped me to want push even further! Don’t let others scare you about losing weight. There are so many that will tell you all kinds of horror stories, but you know what else is horrible? Not living your best life because everything hurts and you are ashamed. Do this for you and no one else! Have a support system around you to lift you up and hold you accountable. Find a gym that you love and start building stamina even before surgery, it will make a world of difference during your recovery!


Gastric Sleeve

Over 92 lbs lost!

I have had many unsuccessful diets and personal trainers as well as really bad Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) so I have struggled with my weight my whole life. It got to a point to where I couldn’t control it any longer and I had lost myself in the process. I was extremely unhappy, depressed, anxious, zero confidence, lost. So I decided it was time for a change.

My pre-op experience was lovely! Dr. Carlton and his staff have always made me feel welcomed, safe, and most importantly heard. Looking back, my pre-op concerns were mostly silly because I was still in an unhealthy mind set at times. I was worried about having to completely change my diet habits because I had a history of binging. I was also worried that it wasn’t going to work because I had tried so many things.

But all of that aside, I decided to go for it, and on the day of surgery, I felt scared but hopeful! My post-op experience was challenging, but also life changing. I had to immediately reteach myself how to consume food and drink. It was emotionally and mentally challenging, not only on the diet spectrum but also my view of myself because it doesn’t happen overnight. My scars were a little frightening at first because I am so young and I was worried about what other people would think, but I quickly overcame that.

So much has changed since my surgery. I’m asked what I can do now that I couldn’t before, and I like to say everything, LOL! I have zero limits. I can wear clothes that I had only wished that I could and feel completely comfortable and happy about myself. I can cross my legs and tuck my legs to my chest as crazy as that sounds I was never able to before. I can run a fast mile and a year ago I would’ve thought you were crazy if you told me I could do that. I can discipline myself and make myself healthy foods and actually enjoy them. I can go up my 3 flights of stairs to my apartment and not be winded. My mental health has also tremendously improved. I have a much better outlook on life and most importantly myself. My PCOS has improved due to my weight loss and control so my anxiety and depression are minimal to none.

My overall impression of Dr. Carlton and his staff is that they are extraordinary. They have done an amazing job creating such a close-knit community. I have never felt short of welcomed, loved, and heard. I have always felt comfortable and safe and confident being in their hands. They truly care for and about their patients.

This surgery has seriously changed my life in so many amazing ways and I wish I could’ve done it sooner, honestly. I have finally become myself again and I am forever grateful for Dr. Carlton and his staff. They have brought my smile back. My parents even said to me halfway through the process “I feel like you are finally who you were always meant to be”. All of my pre-op worries have disappeared. I scarred beautifully and I am extremely happy with my diet changes. I would do it all over again. I would give up any food for this outcome. It is so worth it!!! I had zero complications.10/10 recommend! I would do it over 100 times again!


Gastric Sleeve

Over 115 lbs lost!

I found Dr. Carlton on Google when issues with my lap-band occurred and I got tired of fighting it. I was in pain, tired, and frustrated with not being able to do the things I wanted. Pre-op was fantastic! Dr. C is funny and we vibed right away. His staff were all knowledgeable and super sweet! I wasn’t too concerned about surgery – I was very ready to get it done, and when surgery day rolled around, I was just excited!

Post-op wasn’t too bad. I had a little more pain than some because of removal of the previous lap-band. I was very tired for a good week, but overall it wasn’t bad.

Having lost 115 pounds in less than 2 years, I can work out and actually enjoy it. I’m more active in general. I spent a week at Disney World and was able to walk without pain, ride anything I wanted, wear whatever was comfortable in the heat and not worry about it. I have SO MUCH MORE CONFIDENCE! ’m no longer on any medications (I took blood pressure meds and thyroid meds before). I have a connective tissue disorder and the chronic pain has gotten better now that the extra weight isn’t making my joints hurt worse. I have more self confidence and more energy to do the things that make me happy. I’ve had many people tell me I’ve blossomed and seem so much happier now.

I LOVE Dr. Carlton and his staff! I’ve recommended Dr. C to several friends – and they’ve gone to see him too. When you see him, remember to trust the process. Follow what Dr. C tells you to do and you’ll have the best results. If you’re debating doing the surgery, go talk to Dr. C and ask all your questions and then DO IT! Don’t wait to take your life back!


Gastric Bypass

Over 210 lbs lost!

I had tried so many different diets for so many years and ended up continually discouraged, continually sending myself in a shame spiral, and delving even further into disordered eating. Thankfully, a colleague who was one of Dr. Carlton’s patients referred me to him.

Before surgery, I was scared but at the same time, hopeful. It felt like this was my last chance to have the life that I wanted to truly live. Dr. Carlton and his staff were phenomenal, they were so professional, empathetic, and I never felt judged or fat shamed by any of the team, which is a stark difference in how I was treated by my previous medical provider – notice, I said PREVIOUS!

Before surgery, I was concerned about the pain, as this is an invasive surgery. Because of my own personal history, I was really worried about having to take pain medication following surgery. My other big concern was excess skin resulting from rapid weight loss. Once I was at the hospital for surgery, I was excited! There was a little bit of anxiety as well but mostly excited about this next chapter in my life.

After surgery, the first three days were hard, not so much in terms of pain from the surgery but the amount of gas. Making sure that I got enough water and liquids so that I was meeting my nutrition goals was hard (but I did it because I didn’t want to screw anything up)!

I lost around 115lbs by three months, 146 lbs by six months, and 180lbs at a year. Since then, I’ve gone below 200lbs but seem to have leveled off between 200-210 and I’m okay with that! Everyday life post-surgery has been filled with non-scale victories. Things such as sitting in the middle seat on an airplane with plenty of room, having plenty of room from the seatbelt on the airplane, being able to cross my legs, being able to walk/be more active outside without being winded, being able to shop at regular stores and not having to shop in the big and tall section (it still blows me away that I have a 34” waist when I was so used to having at 46 – 48” waist)! I haven’t been on any medications for cholesterol or high blood pressure since surgery, my bloodwork comes back in normal ranges every time I have my blood drawn, I am no longer pre-diabetic, and I no longer have sleep apnea and have to sleep with a CPAP. Long story short, I was a ticking time-bomb of a heart attack or stroke and this surgery has saved my life. Additionally, I have been utilizing therapy for years prior to surgery and have definitely leaned in since surgery with my therapist. About six months after surgery, I hit this strange place where my body was changing drastically, however, I was unable to connect with what I saw in the mirror and what I felt on the inside as to who I had always identified with (someone who is fat). It was shocking really. LEAN INTO THERAPY because you’re going to need it and you will be grateful for it. My confidence is renewed, my self esteem has skyrocketed and in terms of dating, let me just say that I don’t accept breadcrumbs anymore, from anyone.

Dr. Carlton and his staff are amazing and do phenomenal work. I am grateful every single day for the life that they have given me!


Gastric Sleeve

Over 188 lbs lost!

I had tried every diet out there to lose weight and nothing helped – I actually continued to gain weight when on diets. I was at a crossroads between a long, happy life and a shortened miserable life, so I chose to live life to the fullest and become healthy again. Through a lot of research and speaking with several people on social media that had previously been in my shoes, I didn’t hear one bad review regarding Dr. Carlton and his practice. I set up a consultation and after meeting with Dr. C and his team, I knew that this was the place for me!

Before surgery, I honestly didn’t realize how much pain I had pushed through to be able to do things until I got help and lost weight. I thought I felt normal because I have always been a rather large individual. However, looking back now I know that I was miserable and just didn’t know what feeling good was like.

My pre-op experience was the best experience ever! The team answered any question I had. They even called to check on me a few weeks after my initial consult because I had gotten Covid-19 and was hospitalized for 10 days. That in and of itself was an eye opener that spurred me on to make a change.

Some of my pre-surgery concerns were how surgery would affect my life, as well as some of the things that I enjoy to eat and drink. I like spicy foods and have heard that those kinds of things were a no go after surgery, but that was ultimately a risk I was willing to take to live a better life.

When surgery day rolled around, I was nervous to be put under but very excited to finally take charge of my life and live a happy and healthy life! Post-op was absolutely AMAZING! DR C. called me on his personal cell on a Saturday about a month out after I left a voicemail on the office phone regarding what I thought was a complication (it turned out to be a gout flare due to the high protein diet I was on). Now, I can enjoy myself, go on walks, even run. I am going to the police academy next month and that is something that I was beginning to think would never happen, because I couldn’t walk around a store without back pain let alone run a mile+ at a time. I used to have to use a 4 wheeler to get from my deer camp to my deer stand. But, this past deer season I walked to and from my stand 2 times a day, everyday that I was out there. The path is about a mile of very steep hills. I am much more confident in everything that I do.

Dr. Carlton and his entire team are the absolute best team out there! Hands down I could not have asked for a better experience! This has been a long journey but one that I will never regret! I cannot thank Dr. C and his team enough for helping me change my life for the better. Weight loss surgery is often times known as the “easy way out”. But I’m here to tell anyone that is considering this path, that is not the case at all! Weight loss surgery is simply a tool, not a miracle worker. This tool will help you as long as you are ready for the lifestyle change. I am an open book and will speak with anyone that ever has any questions regarding surgery!


Duodenal Switch

Over 160 lbs lost!

A friend in the medical field suggested I go see Dr. Carlton.

On my initial visit with Dr. Carlton, I was taking several prescription meds for Type II Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Gout, and other serious health issues. I was physically exhausted and really tired of the various side-effects of so many different medications, and that really wore me out mentally too. In addition to all of this, the key reason I went to see Dr. C, was because I always felt so sick, and I couldn’t even eat without pain and rarely could hold anything down without severe nausea and vomiting. During my surgery Dr. C. discovered 15 metal clamps that were left behind from a previous bariatric sleeve surgery 6 years prior with a different surgeon. After the surgery, and the removal of those metallic clamps, my health has improved 100%. I am no longer taking any prescribed medications, and I am able to eat and hold down food again. Mentally, I feel like I got a total recharge, because my physical health is no longer such a burden to myself or my family.

Since having the surgery, I am able to do pretty much whatever I decide to do except there are not really any physical restraints or limitations. I actually ride a bicycle for at least 2.5 miles every morning, and still have lots of energy to get me through my hectic and very demanding life schedule, in which I normally put in 12-15 hours of various work per day.

I absolutely love Dr. Carlton and his entire team. From the very first time that I walked in until now, they have always treated me with the utmost respect, kindness, and professionalism. I have had some very bad situations with the medical system as a whole with my daughter’s health issues, and have been very reluctant to even go see any type of doctor for any reason; however Dr. C. really put my mind at ease and made it easy for me to trust him and his team. As a matter of fact, I actually enjoy my visits with Dr.C. when I go in, I always feel like he cares and is very sincere.

When it comes to your health and any type of Bariatric Surgery, there’s no one more trustworthy and no one better qualified than Dr. Chad Carlton and his team. I highly recommend that you give Lonestar Bariatrics a call before you consider allowing anyone else to evaluate and care for your bariatric surgery and overall health needs.


Gastric Bypass

Over 101 lbs lost!

For years, I tried diets such as Keto, low fat, Atkins, Jenny Craig, Medifast, counting calories, countless weight loss medications, and workout regimens. You name it, I tried it. I could only ever loose 20 pounds and stall. We are talking 3 to 6 months of working at weight loss with minimal results. It’s draining. I could never get myself under 200. I made a promise before I was 30 I would lose the weight and keep it off. So, I hopped on Google and found Dr. Carlton!

Before surgery, I was excited, nervous, and scared. It was a mental battle at that time. What if I lost weight and gained it right back? What if I didn’t lose any weight at all? I let go of my fears, and the what ifs and chose to push forward.

My pre-op experience was amazing. The staff are all super friendly, to the point, and really put my mind at ease. They make you feel apart of the family instantly. I never felt judged because of my weight or how I looked.

Truly, my biggest pre-op concern was that I was having surgery. I have never had any major surgeries in my life. This was the first time I was going to be ‘put under’, but I ultimately knew Dr. Carlton was the best doctor there was and trusted him and his experience. His confidence shines through and you just know you’re in good hands with him.

When my surgery day finally rolled around, I was anxious. It was the first step to the life I’ve wanted since I started to gain weight after having my son.

There was definitely pain post-op, but the nurses are there to help you and Dr. Carlton comes to check on you. He even keeps in communication with the staff to ensure your vitals are stable. WALK, WALK, WALK that’s my advise. Even though it hurts and you feel like you can’t walk it out, try to anyways. Also, take small sips of water and don’t over do it. Do not try to eat or drink more than your body tells you it can handle. Remember your eyes are always bigger than your stomach.

Honestly I could do the same things before surgery that I can do now, but it was a strain or struggle. I would lose my breath just trying to tie my shoes or put my pants on. I no longer feel like the fat girl just for bending over. I was always active in some way, but now I can run faster, longer, and I’m pushing myself harder in the gym. It’s so much easier to want to work out when you go into the gym and don’t feel immediately defeated just by comparing yourself to others. I play soccer on Mondays and work out 3 times a week – I do cardio and weight training. The scale doesn’t scare me anymore. I’m focused on what I want my body to look like more than what I want the scale to say. The mental health changes are the deepest. I was so self conscious beforehand. I hated shopping or trying new styles. Now, I’m confident more than ever before. I even have stretch marks that I wear proudly. I wear crop tops and I don’t let anyone tell me I can’t. My mental health has changed a full 360. I’m no longer shy, reserved or scared. I walk around confident in myself and it feels amazing. It’s something I’ve never experienced before.

Dr. Carlton and his staff were friendly, organized, and to the point. They know why you’re there and they will do everything they can to ensure you are taken care of and walk away looking and feeling amazing. Truly, if you are like me, you’ve dealt with the weight your whole life, you’re not as confident as you should be, eating is an emotional connection, and you are just ready to fully commit to a life change. Then go with Dr. Carlton. They will do everything in their power to guide you on this journey. My surgery was April of 2021. I’m almost 2 years out and I’m still 150 pounds. I’ve kept off over 100 pounds for over a year. I’m going to fight everyday to keep it off.


Gastric Sleeve

Over 85 lbs lost!

I was beginning to have some very serious health concerns due to weight gain. I was prediabetic, had high blood pressure, had constant joint and back pain, and was concerned about my quantity and quality of life. I had tried so many different weight loss options and programs. Success was never fully achieved and I knew it was time to take a greater leap. I researched bariatric surgeons in the metro area, called a few offices, and when I chatted with Katy and other office staff members, I felt like this may be the place for me. Then, I had my consultation with Dr. Carlton and Alison, and I knew I had found my people. They were so down to earth, honest, straight forward, and kind. I felt that I could ask any questions freely and that they would address any concerns I had throughout the process.

Before surgery, I struggled physically, emotionally, and psychologically. I no longer recognized the person in pictures or the mirror. Things that I once enjoyed, I no longer felt that I could do. I didn’t like being as social as I once was and felt limited in many aspects due to my size and lack of self-confidence. My pre op concerns were whether or not I could actually be successful, what my relationship with food would be like after surgery, whether I would ever be able to enjoy eating with family and friends, and what the long term benefits would actually be.

On my surgery day I was “nervous-cited”! Nervous, but so excited about the possibilities! As with most things, starting a new chapter holds promise, but also comes with some anxiety due to the unknown. I knew, however, that no matter what I felt or experienced, I had the LoneStar Bariatric team behind me to help me through it. I am also very fortunate to have a supportive husband and family who encouraged me through it all.

My post-op experience was very positive. The surgery went very well. I was well-equipped and informed about what to expect and how to address any issues, and I had access to Dr. Carlton’s office any time I had questions or concerns. I lost a total of about 30 pounds within the first 3 months. By 6 months, I was down about 75 pounds, and slowly lost about 10 more after that. My goal was to lose about 75 pounds, but ultimately, it was about feeling better and I absolutely achieved that within a year.

What can’t I do now!? I honestly feel like I can achieve anything that I want to do. I workout almost daily, I can walk miles at a time, I can ride roller coasters, hike, make good food choices, jump on the trampoline with my grandchildren, play soccer with my students at recess, and confidently attend social gatherings and enjoy them! I am no longer on medications for blood pressure, I am not pre-diabetic, my body aches and joint pain are minimal and the pain I feel is usually due to pushing myself physically in positive ways. Although this journey can be an emotional roller coaster at times, because it is not a sprint, but a marathon and a lifestyle change, I am more confident that I can be successful at almost anything. I have persevered through challenges that I never thought I could and this surgery has given me the confidence in myself to do that.

Dr. Carlton and his staff are simply amazing in every aspect. From all of the pre-op processes, through the surgery and recovery, and all the way through the post-op experience, they are a constant support. I am almost 3 years post op and I still feel as though they are there for me. I can call or email any time I have questions. My only regret about this surgery and this journey is that I didn’t do it sooner. It has changed my life in the best of ways. It is NOT easy and there are challenges, but it is worth each and every peak and valley. You deserve success, happiness, and health and it is ok to make that a priority. It will change your mindset, your body, and your life!


Gastric Sleeve

Over 85 lbs lost!


Gastric Sleeve

Over 200 lbs lost!

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Bariatrics Today

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